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TMC location data

RDS-TMC is a traffic message channel, which relays traffic information through analog FM radio's RDS channel. Traffic information includes useful and real time data about road works, accidents, traffic jams and weather. The TMC/ALERT-C material is necessary when using the traffic information. Fintraffic Road is responsible for administration and distribution of the Finnish TMC data. TMC is developed by the Tisa Forum.


The Finnish TMC location database is constantly updated and certified yearly by TISA forum. For the moment, the latest certified version of the database is available on the website of Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency here.

For incident broadcasting Fintraffic Road uses more frequently exported versions of the database. If these intermediate non-certified versions are needed they can be downloaded here.

The structure of the non-certified data differs slightly from that of certified version. These differences between versions are described here.

TMS Data

Fintraffic Road collects data about road traffic using an automatic traffic monitoring system (TMS, also referred as LAM). The data is shared both in raw form and as generated reports. Currently, there are about 500 traffic measuring stations in Finland.

Real-time TMS data is available from Digitraffic-service and historical data from the website of Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency here.