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Accessibility statement



Fintraffic strives to guarantee digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We work to continuously improve the user experience and we apply appropriate accessibility standards.

Measures for supporting accessibility

Fintraffic ensures accessibility with the following measures:

  • Accessibility is part of our mission.

Compliance status

Current accessibility standard for the site:
WCAG 2.1, level AA

Current content compliance status:
Partly compliant with instructions: some content does not fully comply with the accessibility standard.

Known accessibility issues: Users may experience some problems on the site. The following is a description of known accessibility-related issues. If you notice a problem on the site that is not listed, please contact us.

Our videos are not currently not subtitled.

Text contrasts:
There isn’t enough contrast between the text and background in the footer, breadcrumb trail, date for highlighted news content, language selections, the All News link, or main navigation font when the user points to the link or it is active.

Labels or instructions:
The form field’s label element is missing.

Alternative text for images may be missing:
Alternative text for images may be missing from some images.

Use of PDF files:
The website contains PDF files which do not meet criteria for accessibility.

Compatibility with browsers and assistive technologies

The site is designed to be compatible with the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Safari


The accessibility of this site depends on the functioning of the following technologies:

  • HTML
  •  CSS
  • Javascript

Evaluation methods

Fintraffic evaluates the accessibility of this website using the following methods:

  • Self-assessment: the site has been evaluated internally by the company or organisation. 

Feedback process

We welcome feedback on the accessibility of the website. You can contact us in the following ways:

  • Email:
  • Postal address: Palkkatilanportti 1, 00240 Helsinki, Finland

Our target time for responding to feedback is 14 days.

Official complaints

If you notice accessibility problems on the website, first send us feedback, meaning to the site administrator at A response may take 14 days. If you are not satisfied with the response or you do not receive a response within two weeks, you can submit a notification to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. The Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland website provides detailed information on how to file a complaint and how the matter will be processed.

Contact information of the supervisory authority

Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland
Accessibility supervision unit
Switchboard +358 (0)29 501 6000