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Janne Lautanala: Creating efficient and safe traffic in a data ecosystem

In the traffic data ecosystem, our community creates solutions for mobility by combining platforms and service providers. Building the transport system of the future requires cooperation from the entire sector.

Over the coming years, renewing traffic will, above all, be about making much better use of all kinds of traffic-related data. Data must flow smoothly and be compatible between routes, vehicles, different modes of transport, service providers and end users in order for us to create the strongest possible foundation for a sustainable transport system and new transport services and solutions. We are very pleased that the traffic data ecosystem launched in 2021 already includes more than 160 organisations.

We promote, for instance, new travel chain services in our community, improve the efficiency of transport hubs, reduce warehousing times and support the increase in future drone traffic volumes. At the same time, we achieve economic benefits for different parties across the board, but, most importantly, we improve efficiency and safety. This accounts for an immeasurably significant value that can only be produced in cooperation. No operator alone can produce the same value as a network in which people and operators share knowledge. The operators produce services that are better and more efficient or create completely new services in a community where the services can be continuously refined through work carried out in the community, growing amount of data and developing platforms.

Platform brings together a few – a data ecosystem combines many

What is the difference between a platform and a data ecosystem? One or more service providers operate on a platform, and a data ecosystem combines many platforms and service providers, multiplying the amount of available data.

In a data ecosystem, data is exchanged between platforms using interfaces (APIs). In the traffic data ecosystem, we focus on traffic-related data, such as public transport locations, traffic disruptions or weather conditions, with which service providers and application developers work together to create better customer experience and services.

Rulebook that builds trust

Those operating in the data ecosystem have a need for rules, as operators have a need to obtain data from each other. The content of Fintraffic’s Traffic Data Ecosystem Rulebook is based on Sitra’s rulebook for a fair data economy, and it creates a contractual framework that will facilitate data sharing and build mutual trust within the traffic sector.

The traffic data ecosystem is an open-source network that any private individual or legal entity may join. Joining means agreeing to comply with the Rulebook. The Rulebook enables operators to better retain control over the data they share and decide on the related access rights. The Rulebook is a tool for sharing increasing quantities of data either free of charge or for a fee, as agreed jointly. In practical terms, this will improve confidence in data integrity, quality, security, operator identity, operator roles and terms and conditions of use.

Fintraffic’s traffic data ecosystem provides up-to-date, open traffic data concerning the Finnish road, railway and waterway traffic for application development. Our services support the mobility of citizens, the needs and logistics of the business community, the operations of the security authorities and the competitiveness and welfare of Finland. We collect, manage and open up data and create opportunities for new business emerging in the market.

Join us by participating in the free traffic data ecosystem working group.

Chief Ecosystem and Technology Officer Janne Lautanala
