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Fintraffic Air Navigation Services Ltd

We are managing Finland’s airspace and providing en-route and air navigation services at 22 airports

In the next few years, aviation will undergo major changes as unmanned aerial vehicles become increasingly common. The number of drones, that is, unmanned helicopters, is increasing rapidly and soon they will also be used in passenger traffic. In the future, drones will send data and fly as one part of the traffic ecosystem, thus complementing the other modes of transport.

The growth in drone traffic will provide an enormous range of opportunities for new service development. However, smooth traffic requires that other air traffic is aware of the movements of unmanned helicopters. For this reason, extending traffic control to unmanned traffic is a safety prerequisite. Fintraffic ANS is ready to take on an important role in this area, as is the case currently with other air traffic control.
In its strategy, air traffic control is also preparing for the internationalisation of its duties. The company is already strongly involved in development activities in the international arena. Cooperation in air traffic control is particularly deep with Estonian colleagues. In addition to international cooperation, the company is aiming to be an increasingly strong competitor internationally as an efficient provider of air control services.

Safety, punctuality and competitiveness

The changes in air traffic and the participation in international competition require professional air traffic control personnel and good leadership. Competence is the prerequisite for the provision of new services. Competent professionals are also the key resources for safe and efficient air traffic control. The objective of Fintraffic ANS is to be a company that is sought-after as an employer and interesting to the top talents in the industry.

Well-planned air traffic control is also important from the perspective of the environment. In the world’s most environmentally friendly airspace, the planning of flight routes helps aircrafts save fuel and travel time. With the good planning of the standard landing routes at Helsinki airport, traffic flows can be managed and the emissions of the approximately 94,000 approaching flights can be reduced by 10–30% while abating aircraft noise. This is how Fintraffic ANS supports our society’s journey towards a smarter and greener world.